Are you looking for the IFSC code of Jio Payments Bank Limited’s RTGS-HO branch? Whether you need to send money through NEFT or RTGS, having the correct IFSC code is crucial for successful transactions.
IFSC Code | JIOP0000001 |
Bank Name | Jio Payments Bank Limited |
Branch Name | RTGS-HO |
Address | Reliance Corporate Park, Ghansoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India |
City | Navi Mumbai |
State | Maharashtra |
Type of Code | RTGS and NEFT enabled |
Note: This IFSC code is valid for both RTGS and NEFT transactions at Jio Payments Bank Limited’s RTGS-HO branch. For secure transactions, always verify these details before initiating any fund transfers. This IFSC code ensures your money reaches the correct bank branch without any issues.
Functions of IFSC Code
- Accurate Identification: It ensures funds are transferred to the correct bank branch.
- NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS: It’s essential for initiating these electronic fund transfer systems.
- Various Transactions: It’s used for online payments, fund transfers, and other banking transactions.
How to reach Joi Payments Bank LTD. ?
You can find detailed information below sources
- website :
- Helpline Number : 1800 890 7070