If you have registered/hosted any of the website with GoDaddy email/webmail login can be accessed using a single URL ( click below image or url ).
Godaddy Webmail Mobile Login URL or email.secureserver.net mobile access URL
After you visit the URL you will be presented an interface like above where you need to put your user name and password and click login button to log into the account. Here one point to remember that after your domain is registered you or your admins should create mail boxes before you try logging into the account. In case you haven’t done that email setup can be done from the Godaddy Email Account management pages from below link :
Godaddy Webmail Login
For large screen devices like PC, laptop emails can be accessed from https://login.secureserver.net/?app=wbe or https://email.secureserver.net
In case you are trying to log in using any mobile device, separate lightweight webmail is available for small devices at which is also alternate url for for mobile devices:
Godaddy Email SMTP and POP3 settings
If you want to configure MS Outlook or some other email client POP3 and SMTP settings are required to send receive emails.
Incoming server (POP3):
server – pop.secureserver.net
port – 110, 995 (SSL)
Outgoing server (SMTP):
server – smtpout.secureserver.net
port – 80, 3535, 25, 465 (SSL)
Same settings can also be checked by going into Email Admin and hover the mouse over email account and click Email Setup Center.
Godaddy Email Mobile Apps for Android and Iphone
If you own a smartphone either Android or iPhone, you also have option to use Godaddy mobile apps which can be downloaded from Itunes and Google play store respectively. To download mobile apps visit below URLs depending your mobile make :