How to track your parcel ?
It is very easy to check the tracking status of your parcels and consignments booked though DTDC Courier.
To make customers life as easy as possible, DTDC courier offers several tracking options. You can track your consignment on-line or via e-mail or SMS, which ever option is convenient for you. DTDC Web Tracker is Web based shipment tracking Solution which is generally suitable for low volume and non frequent customer. You will not require to install any software to track the shipment. Any device having internet connection and a browser will be enough able track the shipment. You can track maximum of 25 consignments, separated by comma can at a time. Customer can track the shipment using DTDC Consignment No. or corresponding Ref No.
DTDC Tracking Links
Following URL will allow you to track DTDC courier online:
DTDC Tracking Results
After you have entered required tracking information, a result screen similar to below will be presented to you.
Here you can find latest status of your article. To check station wise tracking history you need to click “Shipment Tracking History”. This will expand the screen and will show you tracking details of each station.