Animated Desktop Background With Ozoko Desktop

As an alternative to traditional wallpapers has emerged a software whose name Ozoko Desktop , which provides a vast collection of animated backgrounds in flash format , to choose to give animation and lots of fun to your desktop.


Among the options offered to decorate, they are cartoons, digital and analog clocks, lights, speakers, particles, very realistic clouds to give the impression of a daytime sky, fireworks and more.

The program also offers the option to add interactive elements to the desktop. For example, a puppy is that if you give here can sit, lie down, roll over and play. There are also some fish which they can feed a hamster running on his wheel, a car that is controlled with a joystick simulator, a simulator of gravity, a spider that follows the mouse pointer, among others.

Ozoko Desktop can also take video directly from your webcam and display it in real time as wallpaper , either in full screen size or as a box in a corner.

From their website you can browse through all the options and download the hundreds of wallpapers and interactive features offered free of charge. Also, before downloading anything can be displayed in the browser, to get an idea of how it would look on our PC and whether we like it or not.

Download Ozoko Desktop – Free Animated Wallpaper for Windows 7, Vista

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