Many times it is confusing to do the conversion between Indian numbering system. Below table does this conversion for you and also converts the Amount in Indian Currency.
1 Million Dollars In Rupees
Below table summarizes USD to INR conversion is Indian and International units. You will also be able to check the latest USD/INR conversion rates to different values.
Indian | International | Decimal Value | Value in INR |
1 lakhs | 100 thousand | 1,00,000 | 1 Lakh USD to INR |
10 lakhs | 1 million | 10,00,000 | 1 Million USD to INR |
1 crore | 10 million | 1,00,00,000 | 1 Crore USD to INR |
10 crores | 100 million | 10,00,00,000 | 10 Crore USD to INR |
1 arab | 1 billion | 1,00,00,00,000 | 1 Billion USD to INR |
Please note that USD live rates have been used from Yahoo finance. In case you are doing some online transaction you need to refer conversion rates from your bank or financial institution.
Online Currency Converter
In case you want to convert several currencies you can user online portals which can do the conversion with live currency rates.
You can check lates rates of Half million dollars in rupees or 1 million dollars in rupees Best thing about this site is that it is optimized for mobile devices and able to do the live conversion for you.